Recombinant Feline PanleukopeniaInhibitory Proteins for Injection
For veterinary use only
Recombinant Feline PanleukopeniaInhibitory Proteins for Injection Instructions
Product Name
Recombinant Feline Panleukopenia InhibitoryProteins for Injection (freeze-dried).
Packaging Details
3 milion lUkial.
Principal Components
Feline panleukopenia inhibitory proteins,
This product is white and loose. Clear solution isobtained when the product dissolves in water.
Pharmacological Functions
This product is an upgrade to monoclonalantibodies against feline panleukopenia. it is usedfor treatment of feline panleukopenia. Felinepanleukopenia inhibitory proteins targeted bind tothe feline panleukopenia virus at the recdnitiorsites efficiently. lts binding efficiency is 200 timeshigher than that of monoclonal antibodies againsfeline panleukopenia. lt has three times as highinhibitory activity as monoclonal antibodiesagainst feline panleukopenia.
1.This product can be used for preventivetreatment of possible feline panleukopeniainfection in cats. Follow the same dosageuidelines as descnbed in the above section.2. The product might be used together with othedrug compounds, such as interferons, antibodiesand antibiotics. But they should be administeredby injection or dnppina at different sites.3. No vaccine for feline panleukopenia virusshould be applied within 5 to 7 days of using thisproduct.4. The product is safe to be administered tofemale cats during pregnancy and lactation, andkittens,5. Do not use if cats are allergic to biologicaagents,such as vaccines and this product.6. Do not use if there is turbidity, or theappearance of precipitates, after the productdissolves in wate6. Do or nee ifone aenond bela hodes aoaaromother biological products, such as interferon, etc.
StorageStore at 2 °C to 8 °C
Period of validityValid for three years.
Feline panleukopenia.
Dosage and AdministrationReconstitute one vial with 1 ml of sterile water orsterile normal saline for injection to form a cleasolution. Subcutaneous injections or intramusculainjections should be administered in the amount of800,000 lU per kilo of body weight once daily in thefirst two days.Subcutaneous injections orintramuscular injections should be administered inthe amount of 400,000 lU per kilo of body weightonce daily from the third day, or follow a veterinarian’sadvice.
The use of this product generally causes noSide Effectsobvious adverse reaction.